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Bozen-Bolzano’s SWAP project aims to overcome digital divide

Bozen-Bolzano’s SWAP project aims to overcome digital divide


Published on 27 March 2023

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SWAP is an intergenerational project which aims to overcome the digital divide that excludes a non-technological segment of the adult population from accessing public services dedicated to our citizens. As part of the SWAP project, young people from the university and local schools volunteer their time and meet with senior citizens to improve their technological skills.

Adults aged 60+ can learn how to access online services such as the Public Digital Identity System (SPID), municipal and health services, public platforms, online shopping, and the use of email. Adults, for their part, mentor students to navigate the world of work and careers.

A group of student volunteers

The project is financed by a 250,000 euro grant from ANCI (National Association of Italian Municipalities) and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The funds are distributed among the consortium partners according to the activities carried out. The partners are the Municipality of Bolzano, Free University of Bolzano, ARCI Ragazzi and Vision.

Find out more here:

Featured image: group photo of the second press conference at the Bitz Unibz FabLab – location of one of the 3 desks active in Bolzano.