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Emperor Maximilian Prize for European service now open for applications

Emperor Maximilian Prize for European service now open for applications


Published on 22 March 2023

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'Young-European-United': The Region of Tyrol and the City of Innsbruck have placed the 2023 Emperor Maximilian Prize under this banner.  

The Emperor Maximilian Prize of the City of Innsbruck and the Region of Tyrol offers the opportunity to highlight and honour projects and initiatives from all areas of life that actively practise European togetherness through their actions and activities. This year’s prize is particularly aimed at young people and youth institutions, because their participation is crucial for a viable and sustainable Europe of tomorrow. The prize is accompanied by a €10,000 reward.

In May 2023, the winner of all submissions will be selected by an expert jury composed of representatives of the City of Innsbruck, the Region of the Tyrol, the University of Innsbruck, the European Committee of the Regions, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, the Assembly of European Regions, as well as the Council of European Municipalities and Regions. The award ceremony will take place in Innsbruck in November 2023.

Applications are now open, with a deadline of 20 April 2023.

For further information please visit the Emperor Maximilan Prize website at

Photo shows the 2021 prize ceremony, courtesy of © Stadt Innsbruck/Die Fotografen.