Published on 1 November 2022
The European Mid-Life Skills Review is implemented by the Trade Union Congress (UK) in partnership with West University of Timisoara (RO), Prospektiker Instituto Europeo de Prospectiva Y Estrategia SA and Servicio Vasco de Empleo (ES), the University of Exeter, National Learning and Work Institute, and Saffron (UK), Työväen Sivistysliitto (FI), and Universita’ degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (IT).
The project focuses on hard-to-reach and disadvantaged older workers whose jobs are at risk from automation and AI. The central output of the project is an online tool (Value My Skill) designed to help older workers to retrain and upskill for new roles and jobs so that they can remain active within the labour market.
During the conference, the local EMLSR project team presented the “Value My Skill” tool to the participants. In addition, Adrian Onica (Head of Labor Market Analysis and Relations with Employers Department, Timis County Employment Agency), Felix Toma (International Sales Director, Global Sales HQ Gi Group Holding), and Daniel Grebeldinger (Executive Director, Nevo Parudimos Association) shared insights about the current situation on the local and regional labour market.
More details about the project can be found here: