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City of Linköping

Linköping is Sweden’s fifth-largest city. Linköping has old traditions as a centre for administration as well as a military organization. Its history as a modern industrial city goes back to 1937, when SAAB started airplane manufacturing in a plant in the suburbs.

Linköping municipality, County council, SAAB AB, University and Ericsson AB are examples of local enterprises. Next door to the university is Linköping Science Park with about 600 innovative companies and and more than 7000 employees. Here are spin-off companies and research groups etc.


Linköping University

Linköping University (LiU) is a multi-faculty university where research and education are equally important. It is one of Sweden’s largest universities with 40,400 students and 4,500 co-workers.

Since the start in the late 1960’s, LiU has been an innovator, creating new study programmes and new ways to tackle research problems. Innovation has become a tradition. Furthermore, LiU has always had strong dialogue with the surrounding business sphere and the community at large, both in terms of research and education (problem-based learning). What LiU researches and creates should benefit to the public. The university is an important driving force for regional development. However, the mission is greater—LiU is a national and international player.

Linköping University will never rest on its laurels.

The LiU campuses are situated in:

– Linköping: Campus Valla; Campus US

– Norrköping: Campus Norrköping

– Stockholm: Campus Lidingö

Linköping University – Campus Norrköping

LiU has a student population of about 40,400. At Campus Norrköping there are around 5,000 students studying courses and programmes in four faculties: Arts and Sciences, Health Sciences, Educational Sciences and Science of Engineering. The faculties are responsible for education at basic and advanced level, PhD training and research. At Campus Norrköping you can graduate as a teacher, engineer, media producer or nurse amongst other vocations.


City of Linköping  Linköping University
Storgatan 43
SE-581 81 Linköping
581 83 Linköping
Lise-Lotte Wallberg – Järvinen
City Executive Office, University Relations Officer
Jan Axelsson
Director of Collaboration
+ 46 13 20 60 00
+46 1328 2556
Website (City):
Website (University):